
RE-2Y(St)H & RE-2X(St)H

Bu kablolar enstrümentasyon ve kontrol sistemlerinde analog ve dijital sinyal iletiminde kimya ve petrokimya endüstrisi tesislerinde, enerji tesislerinde, doğalgaz ve petrol tesislerinde, vb… yerlerde kullanılırlar. Bu tip kablolar, yangın esnasında alevi iletmezler, duman yoğunluğu çok düşük korozyona elverişli ortamlar yaratmaz ve de insan sağlığını etkileyecek zehirli gazlar çıkarmasının istenmediği ortamlarda kullanılırlar. Alçak empedans kaynaklı ortamlarda direkt olarak bağlantı yapılması izin verilmez, örnek olarak yerel trafo merkezleri. Mavi kılıflı kablolar güvenli sistem uygulamaları için uygundur. Ayrıca bu kablolar direkt toprak altına gömülerek kullanılmazlar. Dahili ve harici uygulamalarda, kuru ve ıslak ortamlarda kullanılır.

Bu kablolar enstrümentasyon ve kontrol sistemlerinde analog ve dijital sinyal iletiminde kimya ve petrokimya endüstrisi tesislerinde, enerji tesislerinde, doğalgaz ve petrol tesislerinde, vb… yerlerde kullanılırlar. Bu tip kablolar, yangın esnasında alevi iletmezler, duman yoğunluğu çok düşük korozyona elverişli ortamlar yaratmaz ve de insan sağlığını etkileyecek zehirli gazlar çıkarmasının istenmediği ortamlarda kullanılırlar. Alçak empedans kaynaklı ortamlarda direkt olarak bağlantı yapılması izin verilmez, örnek olarak yerel trafo merkezleri. Mavi kılıflı kablolar güvenli sistem uygulamaları için uygundur. Ayrıca bu kablolar direkt toprak altına gömülerek kullanılmazlar. Dahili ve harici uygulamalarda, kuru ve ıslak ortamlarda kullanılır.

Ürün KoduDamar Sayısı x Kesit(mm2)Yaklaşık Dış Çap (mm)Bakır Ağırlığı (kg/km)Yaklaşık Kablo Ağırlığı (kg/km)
2604 41 001 (RE-2X(St)H)1x2x0,506,21445
2606 41 001 (RE-2X(St)H)1x3x0,506,51950
2605 41 001 (RE-2Y(St)H)1x3x0,506,51950
2604 41 002 (RE-2X(St)H)2x2x0,509,22475
2605 41 002 (RE-2Y(St)H)2x3x0,5010,23495
2606 41 002 (RE-2X(St)H)2x3x0,5010,23495
2604 41 004 (RE-2X(St)H)4x2x0,5010,943115
2604 41 005 (RE-2X(St)H)5x2x0,5011,453135
2606 41 004 (RE-2X(St)H)4x3x0,5011,962150
2605 41 004 (RE-2Y(St)H)4x3x0,5011,962150
2604 41 006 (RE-2X(St)H)6x2x0,5012,262155
2605 41 005 (RE-2Y(St)H)5x3x0,5012,777175
2606 41 005 (RE-2X(St)H)5x3x0,5012,777175
2604 41 008 (RE-2X(St)H)8x2x0,5013,982195
2606 41 006 (RE-2X(St)H)6x3x0,5013,991210
2605 41 006 (RE-2Y(St)H)6x3x0,5013,991210
2604 41 010 (RE-2X(St)H)10x2x0,5015,2101235
2605 41 008 (RE-2Y(St)H)8x3x0,5015,6120265
2606 41 008 (RE-2X(St)H)8x3x0,5015,6120265
2604 41 012 (RE-2X(St)H)12x2x0,5016,6120275
2605 41 010 (RE-2Y(St)H)10x3x0,5017,3149325
2606 41 010 (RE-2X(St)H)10x3x0,5017,3149325
2604 41 016 (RE-2X(St)H)16x2x0,5018,7158350
2605 41 012 (RE-2Y(St)H)12x3x0,5018,7178380
2606 41 012 (RE-2X(St)H)12x3x0,5018,7178380
2604 41 020 (RE-2X(St)H)20x2x0,5020,7197430
2606 41 016 (RE-2X(St)H)16x3x0,5021,3235490
2605 41 016 (RE-2Y(St)H)16x3x0,5021,3235490
2604 41 024 (RE-2X(St)H)24x2x0,5022,6235510
2606 41 020 (RE-2X(St)H)20x3x0,5023,6293605
2605 41 020 (RE-2Y(St)H)20x3x0,5023,6293605
2605 41 024 (RE-2Y(St)H)24x3x0,5025,7350720
2606 41 024 (RE-2X(St)H)24x3x0,5025,7350720
2604 42 001 (RE-2X(St)H)1x2x0,756,61950
2606 42 001 (RE-2X(St)H)1x3x0,756,92660
2605 42 001 (RE-2Y(St)H)1x3x0,756,92660
2604 42 002 (RE-2X(St)H)2x2x0,759,83490
2606 42 002 (RE-2X(St)H)2x3x0,7511,148120
2605 42 002 (RE-2Y(St)H)2x3x0,7511,148120
2604 42 004 (RE-2X(St)H)4x2x0,7511,762140
2604 42 005 (RE-2X(St)H)5x2x0,7512,277165
2605 42 004 (RE-2Y(St)H)4x3x0,7512,891190
2606 42 004 (RE-2X(St)H)4x3x0,7512,891190
2604 42 006 (RE-2X(St)H)6x2x0,7513,291190
2606 42 005 (RE-2X(St)H)5x3x0,7513,9113230
2605 42 005 (RE-2Y(St)H)5x3x0,7513,9113230
2604 42 008 (RE-2X(St)H)8x2x0,7515,0120245
2606 42 006 (RE-2X(St)H)6x3x0,7515,0134265
2605 42 006 (RE-2Y(St)H)6x3x0,7515,0134265
2604 42 010 (RE-2X(St)H)10x2x0,7516,6149305
2606 42 008 (RE-2X(St)H)8x3x0,7517,1177345
2605 42 008 (RE-2Y(St)H)8x3x0,7517,1177345
2604 42 012 (RE-2X(St)H)12x2x0,7517,9178350
2606 42 010 (RE-2X(St)H)10x3x0,7518,7221415
2605 42 010 (RE-2Y(St)H)10x3x0,7518,7221415
2604 42 016 (RE-2X(St)H)16x2x0,7520,4235455
2605 42 012 (RE-2Y(St)H)12x3x0,7520,4264495
2606 42 012 (RE-2X(St)H)12x3x0,7520,4264495
2604 42 020 (RE-2X(St)H)20x2x0,7522,7293560
2605 42 016 (RE-2Y(St)H)16x3x0,7523,3350645
2606 42 016 (RE-2X(St)H)16x3x0,7523,3350645
2604 42 024 (RE-2X(St)H)24x2x0,7524,7350665
2606 42 020 (RE-2X(St)H)20x3x0,7525,8437795
2605 42 020 (RE-2Y(St)H)20x3x0,7525,8437795
2605 42 024 (RE-2Y(St)H)24x3x0,7528,2523945
2606 42 024 (RE-2X(St)H)24x3x0,7528,2523945
2604 43 001 (RE-2X(St)H)1x2x17,02460
2606 43 001 (RE-2X(St)H)1x3x17,33470
2605 43 001 (RE-2Y(St)H)1x3x17,33470
2604 43 002 (RE-2X(St)H)2x2x110,543105
2606 43 002 (RE-2X(St)H)2x3x111,962140
2605 43 002 (RE-2Y(St)H)2x3x111,962140
2604 43 004 (RE-2X(St)H)4x2x112,582170
2604 43 005 (RE-2X(St)H)5x2x113,1101200
2604 43 006 (RE-2X(St)H)6x2x114,3120235
2606 43 004 (RE-2X(St)H)4x3x113,9120235
2605 43 004 (RE-2Y(St)H)4x3x113,9120235
2606 43 005 (RE-2X(St)H)5x3x114,9149280
2605 43 005 (RE-2Y(St)H)5x3x114,9149280
2604 43 008 (RE-2X(St)H)8x2x116,3158305
2605 43 006 (RE-2Y(St)H)6x3x116,3178330
2606 43 006 (RE-2X(St)H)6x3x116,3178330
2604 43 010 (RE-2X(St)H)10x2x117,9197365
2606 43 008 (RE-2X(St)H)8x3x118,3235420
2605 43 008 (RE-2Y(St)H)8x3x118,3235420
2604 43 012 (RE-2X(St)H)12x2x119,5235435
2605 43 010 (RE-2Y(St)H)10x3x120,4293520
2606 43 010 (RE-2X(St)H)10x3x120,4293520
2604 43 016 (RE-2X(St)H)16x2x122,2312565
2605 43 012 (RE-2Y(St)H)12x3x122,2350620
2604 43 020 (RE-2X(St)H)20x2x124,6389695
2605 43 016 (RE-2Y(St)H)16x3x125,3466805
2606 43 016 (RE-2X(St)H)16x3x125,3466805
2604 43 024 (RE-2X(St)H)24x2x126,6466815
2606 43 020 (RE-2X(St)H)20x3x128,1581990
2605 43 020 (RE-2Y(St)H)20x3x128,1581990
2606 43 024 (RE-2X(St)H)24x3x130,66961180
2605 43 024 (RE-2Y(St)H)24x3x130,66961180
2604 44 001 (RE-2X(St)H)1x2x1,37,53065
2605 44 001 (RE-2Y(St)H)1x3x1,38,04290
2606 44 001 (RE-2X(St)H)1x3x1,38,04290
2604 44 002 (RE-2X(St)H)2x2x1,311,555125
2605 44 002 (RE-2Y(St)H)2x3x1,312,980165
2606 44 002 (RE-2X(St)H)2x3x1,312,980165
2604 44 004 (RE-2X(St)H)4x2x1,313,7105210
2604 44 005 (RE-2X(St)H)5x2x1,314,4130245
2605 44 004 (RE-2Y(St)H)4x3x1,315,1155280
2606 44 004 (RE-2X(St)H)4x3x1,315,1155280
2604 44 006 (RE-2X(St)H)6x2x1,315,5155285
2606 44 005 (RE-2X(St)H)5x3x1,316,4192345
2605 44 005 (RE-2Y(St)H)5x3x1,316,4192345
2604 44 008 (RE-2X(St)H)8x2x1,317,7204370
2605 44 006 (RE-2Y(St)H)6x3x1,317,7230400
2606 44 006 (RE-2X(St)H)6x3x1,317,7230400
2604 44 010 (RE-2X(St)H)10x2x1,319,6254455
2605 44 008 (RE-2Y(St)H)8x3x1,320,1304525
2606 44 008 (RE-2X(St)H)8x3x1,320,1304525
2604 44 012 (RE-2X(St)H)12x2x1,321,2304530
2605 44 010 (RE-2Y(St)H)10x3x1,322,3379645
2606 44 010 (RE-2X(St)H)10x3x1,322,3379645
2604 44 016 (RE-2X(St)H)16x2x1,324,4404705
2605 44 012 (RE-2Y(St)H)12x3x1,324,3454770
2606 44 012 (RE-2X(St)H)12x3x1,324,3454770
2604 44 020 (RE-2X(St)H)20x2x1,327,0504865
2606 44 016 (RE-2X(St)H)16x3x1,327,86041000
2605 44 016 (RE-2Y(St)H)16x3x1,327,86041000
2604 44 024 (RE-2X(St)H)24x2x1,329,26041015
2605 44 020 (RE-2Y(St)H)20x3x1,330,87541235
2606 44 020 (RE-2X(St)H)20x3x1,330,87541235
2605 44 024 (RE-2Y(St)H)24x3x1,333,59031470
2606 44 024 (RE-2X(St)H)24x3x1,333,59031470
2604 45 001 (RE-2X(St)H)1x2x1,57,83475
2606 45 001 (RE-2X(St)H)1x3x1,58,448100
2605 45 001 (RE-2Y(St)H)1x3x1,58,448100
2604 45 002 (RE-2X(St)H)2x2x1,512,162140
2605 45 002 (RE-2Y(St)H)2x3x1,513,791190
2606 45 002 (RE-2X(St)H)2x3x1,513,791190
2604 45 004 (RE-2X(St)H)4x2x1,514,4120230
2604 45 005 (RE-2X(St)H)5x2x1,515,1149270
2605 45 004 (RE-2Y(St)H)4x3x1,515,8177315
2606 45 004 (RE-2X(St)H)4x3x1,515,8177315
2604 45 006 (RE-2X(St)H)6x2x1,516,4178325
2606 45 005 (RE-2X(St)H)5x3x1,517,1220385
2605 45 005 (RE-2Y(St)H)5x3x1,517,1220385
2604 45 008 (RE-2X(St)H)8x2x1,518,5235410
2605 45 006 (RE-2Y(St)H)6x3x1,518,5264450
2606 45 006 (RE-2X(St)H)6x3x1,518,5264450
2604 45 010 (RE-2X(St)H)10x2x1,520,6293510
2605 45 008 (RE-2Y(St)H)8x3x1,521,1350585
2606 45 008 (RE-2X(St)H)8x3x1,521,1350585
2604 45 012 (RE-2X(St)H)12x2x1,522,4350605
2605 45 010 (RE-2Y(St)H)10x3x1,523,4436720
2606 45 010 (RE-2X(St)H)10x3x1,523,4436720
2604 45 016 (RE-2X(St)H)16x2x1,525,6466785
2605 45 012 (RE-2Y(St)H)12x3x1,525,5523860
2606 45 012 (RE-2X(St)H)12x3x1,525,5523860
2604 45 020 (RE-2X(St)H)20x2x1,528,3581970
2605 45 016 (RE-2Y(St)H)16x3x1,529,16961120
2606 45 016 (RE-2X(St)H)16x3x1,529,16961120
2604 45 024 (RE-2X(St)H)24x2x1,530,96961150
2605 45 020 (RE-2Y(St)H)20x3x1,532,58681400
2606 45 020 (RE-2X(St)H)20x3x1,532,58681400
2606 45 024 (RE-2X(St)H)24x3x1,535,410411665
2605 45 024 (RE-2Y(St)H)24x3x1,535,410411665

As Mnelko, we are a reliable partner in industrial automation solutions, offering high-quality and innovative products with a wide product range to meet all the needs of your business. Our product portfolio consists of solutions designed based on the principles of high performance, durability, and efficiency to support modern industrial processes.
All of our products ensure maximum reliability even in challenging working conditions and help your business operations run smoothly. The products we offer in industrial automation, energy management, cabling solutions, and many other areas adapt flexibly to the needs of different sectors.
Additionally, our products are manufactured using only high-quality materials and comply with international standards. Through the solutions we provide, we enable our customers to increase operational efficiency and optimize costs. Our company closely follows technological advancements and continuously offers innovative products to help our customers gain a competitive advantage.
On each of our product pages, you can find comprehensive information about technical details, areas of use, and product features. You can explore all the products you need to strengthen your industrial processes on our website and enjoy a seamless purchasing experience.

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